Can Loto Locks Be Keyed Alike
This helps create a more efficient lockout tagout loto process since you need only one key to secure a particular set of padlocks.
Can loto locks be keyed alike. Padlocks come in a variety of colors for lockout identification compliance. However if the make of your lock corresponds with the key you wish to use you shouldn t have a problem having your locks keyed alike so long as the key can be fully inserted into your lock. Keys can only be removed when lock is closed. It is recommended that when completing loto procedures that more than one padlock is attached to the lockout device for extra security.
When a padlock group is keyed alike it means that one single key can open all the locks that come in that particular set. Choose these locks if you want individual locks or groups of locks that open with their own key but also open with a master key. Today we present some questions blr has received about this issue and the answers blr safety experts have given. This keyed alike padlock is the only padlock designed just for lockout tagout situations.
Our line of keyed alike padlocks are available in a number of high quality materials. Osha has specific and strict rules about lockout tagout. Attaching multiple keyed alike locks. This is in response to your august 16 letter requesting interpretation of the control of hazardous energy lockout tagout standard 29 cfr 1910 147.
Locks have a vertical shackle clearance that s greater than 1 and include a danger label as well as a write on label marked property of. As an added measure of safety each lock comes with only one key. This allows supervisors to easily remove a lock in the event of an emergency. Improve efficiency with keyed alike padlocks.
The master key can open all locks including keyed alike and keyed different locks. In order for employees to retain exclusive control master keys should be kept in a secure location that is only accessible to management. Keyed alike padlocks allow locking out of several equipment with only one key. Each keyed alike padlock is made of extremely durable materials and is resistant to cutting prying and twisting.
Can a duplicate key for the purpose of lock removal under loto be held in a secure area with a procedure in place for access to the. Tradesafe lockout tagout safety padlock sets red 10 pack keyed alike osha compliant loto locks with 2 keys per lock for lock out tag out stations premium grade 4 6 out of 5 stars 3 73 90 73. Specifically you requested clarification on whether a master key could be used to open individually keyed padlocks provided to an authorized employee for use as his or her personal lockout device. Also some locks use replaceable cores meaning that a new core with your desired keyway can usually be installed.
Common practice is for each individual working on the maintenance of equipment powered by energy sources to attach their own padlock to the lockout device thus making sure.